Future Booksignings & Josephine Sightings

I'm happy to say that edits are done, and Scorned is in the hands of the publisher.  I'm waiting on the final version and the cover art.  Tentative release date is October 15th - woot woot!

Meanwhile, I'd like to promote a few book signings that I will be at:

Denham Springs Fall Festival
Saturday, October 5th
9 am - 5 pm
Denham Springs Antique District
Denham Springs, LA

I will be in the Arts area on Mattie Street with Nancy S. Brandt, Wendy Russo, Anne Clayre Mason Shirley McCoy and Bonnie Lynne.

Anne Rice's Undead Con
October 24th - 27th
New Orleans

I'm really excited to be a part of this fun-filled weekend.  On Saturday, I will be on a panel and will be selling my books immediately following.  Both Anne and her son Chris will be in attendance with a special meet and greet on Thursday, October 24th.  The 25th Annual Vampire Ball will be held on Friday, October 25th.  There are plenty of tickets available!

Louisiana Book Festival
Saturday, November 5th
Downtown Baton Rouge, LA

I will be joining fellow members of my local writer's group, HeartLa, in an effort to reach out to the community.  We are a non-profit, professional organization for published and unpublished authors. We offer support, encouragement and education to aspiring writers of all romance genres. Our monthly meetings include speakers on diverse topics, market news from the publishing industry and camaraderie of other authors, both published and unpublished.  I challenge you to come see what we are all about!

Heart of Louisiana's Fall into Romance Luncheon
November 16th
Juban's, Baton Rouge, LA

Tickets for our annual readers' luncheon are on sale now. 

Your ticket includes lunch, keynote speech by top-selling author Maya Banks, and admission to the author book signing. In addition, all attendees will receive a complimentary gift bag and are eligible to win door prizes!

The first 50 people who register for the luncheon will be eligible for a chance to win a seat at Maya's table!

I hope to see you at one or all of the events above.

Remember to Carpe amor and enjoy the journey!


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