So You’re Ready to Be Published?
Josephine's Writing Advice As a writer, I am asked all the time "how can I get my book published?" Many people, especially on the heels of the 50 Shades book, think it's easy to write a book and get it published - especially if it's romance. Many, including my own distant family members, think I sit at home all day, pigging out on chocolate and writing writing writing. I WISH!!! Truth is - I work forty hours a week at an accounting firm, and sometimes I work forty plus. I'm also happily married (for 25 years) to the love of my life, and I have two boys who are for the most part grown men. But as those of you with children know, they are our babies for life. I have to squeeze in time for writing. I do so because I can't NOT write. So if you want to know the "secret handshake", listen up: THERE ISN'T ONE . Most writers don't ever make it to the status of best seller list. Write because you love it - not as a get rich quick sche...