
Showing posts from December, 2014

True Blood Series Finale (Spoilers .. or Not)

Happy holidays! The hubby and I spent the days after Christmas catching up on seasons six and seven of True Blood. As many of you know, the HBO series is based on the Sookie Stackhouse book series by Charlaine Harris. If you like vampires, shapeshifters, werewolves, witches, fairies and cute sidekick humans, this is right up your dark alley! I am not a big fan of spoilers because I prefer to experience movies and books without knowing what's coming. Therefore, all I'm going to say is that I am pleased with the way the show's writers closed the various story threads ... especially Sookie's. For me, as a writer, it was a logical ending for a character who never got anything she wanted. Maybe for a short time, yes, but in the long run, we feared Sookie would always have her happiness snatched away. I'm still in the process of reading the books, which went in a different path from the HBO series. Some readers weren't pleased with this. I find it refreshin...

Heather Graham's Writers for New Orleans 2014

Good morning, y'all! I'm having a wonderful time in New Orleans with Heather, Connie and friends. Attending conferences once or twice a year can definitely breath fire back into the desire to write. Life always gets in the way, but don't let that keep you from pursuing your dream. For me, writing is "soup for the soul". I'm excited to be part of this amazing conference and look forward to being on this afternoon's 4 pm panel "Modern Day Madmen" with fellow writers Stella Barcelona, Maggie Mae Gallagher, Chris Mooney, Julie Smith and Michele Chambers. Enjoy, Josephine