
Showing posts from November, 2010

Update on Heart of Louisiana's Romance Readers' Luncheon

Hard to believe a week ago was my writing group's luncheon. All that planning ... all that hard work ... and I am pleased to announce that it was quite a success! Sure, we had a few glitches, but what function doesn't? For the most part, everyone had a great time, and hey, we learn from our mistakes, right? So next year ... when Sabrina Jeffries is our speaker ... watch out! :) To recap the event ... Friday night, we had a wonderful dinner with Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love at Drusilla's Seafood Restaurant. I admit I was super nervous, but Sherrilyn was just like I remembered from the Birmingham luncheon - sweet and down to earth! Saturday, I operated on four and a half hours of sleep. I had stayed up until 1:30 am working on attendee badges, envelopes, etc. Next year, Beth Bares ... I WILL take you up on your offer to help! Strangely enough, I actually woke up at 5:30 am and could not go back to sleep. As I had gone to bed without having finished my "assignment...