
Showing posts from November, 2013

Black Friday and Scorned

In honor of all that is on Black Friday, I'm pleased to announce that for one day only, Scorned the Ebook version (Kindle only) is available for $0.99! To participate, please go here: Additionally, there are other Crescent Moon Press Authors participating in this one day sale.  Visit my publisher's website at  to check them out. Happy shopping, and enjoy the demon-wings! Josephine

I was interviewed by 008 Magazine for Scorned!

I'm thrilled to present my interview in 008 Magazine's latest issue:     Thank you to my 008 Family! Enjoy the demon-wings, Josephine

Blogging about Scorned

I have the pleasure of guest blogging on Kala Ambrose' blog.  Please check it out at  While you are there, take a tour of her beautiful website! Enjoy the journey! Josephine

Scorned - Ebook update

If you go to, the ebook version is available! Josephine

Louisiana Book Festival

  On November 2nd, I joined fellow HeartLa members (Nancy S. Brandt, Lynn Shurr, Bonnie Lynne, Anne Clayre Mason and Shirley McCoyC) at the Louisiana Book Festival.  We sold a lot of books, had a lot of fun and a few of us returned home with sunburns.  I even saw an old friend that I had not seen since I worked at DHH!  I will definitely be back next year! Josephine

Scorned - Ebook

Just a quick note for those looking for Scorned as an ebook on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.  My publisher assured me that it will be available soon, so please stay tuned.  I will send out a blast when I see it there.   Have a fantastic week!   Josephine