
Showing posts from July, 2010

Oh How the Year's Fly By

My oldest turned 18 today, and I am SO proud of the man he has become. Seems like yesterday he was playing little league in CAYL. Now, he's entered adulthood, and I hope he continues to stay true to himself and not let anyone sway him from his path. These next few years will set into motion the path to the rest of his life, and I pray he will continue to make wise decisions! Carpe amor!

July 25th

I had a great time yesterday with my HeartLa writer friends. Nancy Brandt put on an EXCELLENT workshop on World Building. She rocks! Fixing to do some editing on my current wip about the fallen angel. My goal (and yes, am putting it in writing) is to have it ready to go by the end of August! So, chapters one through eight are done ... only twenty two left to go! Carpe amor! PS - my oldest turns 18 in TWO days!!! :( Seems like yesterday he was playing in mud ...

My 2 minutes out of my 15 minutes of Fame

Whew ... well, Nancy and I did it! We spoke on LIVE tv and lived to tell the tale! ha ha Jeanne Burns and the staff of WAFB (brother Bill included) were AWESOME!!! They made us both feel at ease, and while WE were in awe of them, they were in awe that we had written not one book - but two! Now how cool is that?! :) Definitely top notch people! My one regret is that we were so nervous that we skipped out without getting a picture with Ms. Burns. :( Ah, well ... next time! But do check out the two pictures I did snag! Carpe amor! Josephine

Sherrilyn Kenyon & HeartLa's 4th Annual Romance Readers' Luncheon

Well ... in an effort to promote our non-profit organization's luncheon, Nancy Brandt (fellow romance writer) and I will be on WAFB (Baton Rouge's Channel 9) on Monday, 7/19/10, at about 6:10 am. Which means I have to get up at 4:30 am ... which means I will be super tired tomorrow night ... not to mention the trouble I'll have falling asleep tonight in anticipation! But it's for a good cause - writer's need readers, and what better way to get the two groups together than at a luncheon with famed author, Sherrilyn Kenyon? Her Dark-Hunters rock! Carpe Amor! Josephine

Trip to Butler Greenwood Plantation

Just wanted to share pictures of the trip I took with HeartLa to Butler Greenwood Plantation on June 26th. Please visit my Picture page for a look.

July 8, 2010

Welcome to my lair! This is my first attempt at blogging, so please have patience. While I probably won't be a daily blogger, I will be adding things sporadically from this point on. Big News - Sherrilyn Kenyon will be the Keynote Speaker at Heart of Louisiana's 4th Annual Readers Luncheon. We are VERY excited to host this event. I'd like to invite everyone to fly on over to to register. I'd also like everyone to take a gander at my brother Bill's you tube video -- he's playing MY song, Well hello, Josephine , at ! Thanks! Josephine PS - For some reason, parts of this website are in a different language. Go figure ... :)