It's About Time
Seven years ago was my last update. Obviously, I'm a terrible blogger! Oh well ... Of course, a lot has happened ... I have 3 beautiful grandbabies - 2 girls (Ava and Paisley) and 1 boy (Baby Michael). We moved to our retirement home on False River. I lost my dear mother-in-law and both of my parents. I still work as well as the hubby, but his retired-self went back because he was bored. I remind him all the time that was "His choice!" LOL I haven't written much, but I'm getting back in the swing of things ... trying to anyway. Life punches hard, but My Lord and Savior Jesus carried me through my darkest days. I have faith He's carrying me now! I did manage to get a children's book (Little League for Frogs) published that I had written when my sons were young boys. My good friend's mother (Cheryl Hoyt) illustrated it for me. They are both incredible women! In the winter of 1986, Ms. Cheryl‘s life changed dramatically when she contracted pneumococcal p...