
Showing posts from October, 2013

Louisiana Book Festival

This Saturday, Nov 2nd, I will be in Baton Rouge at the book festival ( along with several HeartLa authors.  Be sure to stop by Table 30 and say hi! Josephine

My Panel at Anne Rice's Undead Con

So the question was posed to me and my fellow author panelists ... What makes a strong woman? For me, a strong woman is one who takes a hit to the heart, picks herself up and keeps going in spite of it. What do you think? Josephine

Anne Rice's Undead Con

I am having a marvelous time at the Undead Con.  The panels always inspire me in one way or another.  As such, I've created another area on my website for some of my short stories.  First up out of the gate is a collaboration between Nancy S. Brandt, Meredith Gayle and myself entitled Wolf's Night Out.  To read, click on Josephine's Short Stories & More, then click on Wolf's Night Out.  Check back frequently as I hope to get more up soon. In the meantime, I hope to see a few of you at the panel I am on tomorrow.  We are at The Hilton on 1001 S Peters in New Orleans.  It starts at 11 am. Enjoy the Journey! Josephine


So last Thursday I hosted Pokeno at my house.  Things were going great - had the taco soup bubbling in my cauldron-- er, crockpot; had the cake baked and veggies sliced and on a tray.  I was pulling out the last batch of cookies ... using an oven mitt that had gotten damp.  Needless to say the heat scorched through and burned the pad of my thumb and some of my index finger.  Ouch!  Instead of dropping it like a sane person would, I danced with it to the stove before letting lose.  Fortunately, the burns weren't as bad as they felt.  I dashed to the sink, ran cold water and applied ice.  Probably not the best thing to do, but it worked. Well it is almost a week later, and my thumb is still sensitive.  :(  I am in the midst of reading Jim Butcher's Dresden books ( currently on the 9th - White Night), and now I can empathize (if only on a miniscule level) with the hero and his poor hand. Fates, I DO NOT want to empathize with the heroin...

I'm Guest Blogging

I am excited to have Cynthia Eden as today's guest blogger.  Check it out in the Wing Beat Blog area! While you're at it, head on over to her website.  I'm guest blogging for her today as well. . Enjoy the journey! Josephine


Yay! Today is release day for my latest novel, Scorned. It’s the first book in a series about a fallen angel. Angelle, God’s first Angel, fell from grace along with Satan. However, after thousands of years as Satan’s girlfriend, Angelle wants back into heaven and becomes human. Now she must atone for her sins and save as many souls as she damned while fighting vampires and demons. One more condition — she must remain celibate. Jack, a vampire hunter, visits Angelle’s bar, and their attraction is instant. But after watching her walk away from a car accident, he’s convinced she’s a vampire and must die. When Angelle doesn’t burst into flames at sunrise, Jack joins her quest to save souls. The partnership is jeopardized when two of the Scorned Bride’s daughters enthrall him. Angelle must save Jack from another dimension, but in doing so, she risks her salvation. Will Jack want to be saved by the time she finds him? And if they survive the Scorned Bride, can they survive each othe...