
Showing posts from October, 2012


The time is almost here for my favorite holiday next to Christmas.  Bring on Halloween! There are many reasons ... My sweet hubby was born on October 31st.  Plus, I love the opportunity to dress up.  Tales of the supernatural spring up all over the TV, Internet and even Radio.  Heck, you can even search for Halloween on Pandora, and you get wicked cool songs from The Rocky Horror Picture, The Nightmare Before Christmas and more! Paranormal authors LOVE this season for obvious reasons.  As a freelance writer, I was also offered the opportunity to write about the latest in Halloween Hullabaloo for Lafayette's 008 Magazine.  I also did one on Spooky Couples featuring my favorite: Buffy and Angel as well as Herman Munster and his Lily.  Scroll down and click on their pages to check them out.  Check out the magazine's website at for other cool information. Now, to HeartLa.  Attached is a pic of the Rowdy G...

My Review of Sword & Illusion by Nancy S. & Steven Brandt

If you are looking for an action packed, page turning read, look no more! Sword & Illusion, an epic fantasy, promises magic and delivers dragons. The authors weave a compelling and intriguing story filled with love and danger. Definitely a Journey full of reward! From Goodreads: MOONRAZER was already a famous warrior when she drove the Navin from her homeworld, wrested the Sword of Justice from dragons, and became the first Exalted Warrior of the Sarl in seven generations. But now, as she is approaching her 40th birthday, she faces her most terrifying challenge of all--finding a mate and conceiving a child. PRINCE VARIAN of Tellan needs an heir to his throne before the Festival of the Dragon Moon or the Dragons will kill him and his sisters. Twice, he has taken Dragonmarked wives to beget such an heir. His first wife, Violetta, ran away from him and after years of searching, he declared her dead and took another wife. Five months ago, his second wife and child were found d...


Just a quick note that I will be making updates to my website as time permits.  Currently, I have added a Follow by Email feature.  Please sign up.  You will get an email when I add or update my site. New things I am working on for my website - Adding Interviews by Author versus by Magazine.  This way, you can quickly locate your favorite author. - Newsletter - Links to other authors - Information on my favorite group, HeartLa.  Speaking of HeartLa, please visit to sign up for our Fall Into Romance Readers Luncheon on November 10th featuring Heather Graham as our Keynote speaker and F. Paul Wilson.  Attendees get to lunch and mingle with awesome authors, AND they get a goodie bag filled with books, pens and more! - My current work in progress ... Scorned, Book 1 of the Fallen Angelle Series.  My editor (Kerri Nelson) and I have begun the process!  Yay!  The minute I know a release date from Crescent Moon Press, ya...