The time is almost here for my favorite holiday next to Christmas. Bring on Halloween! There are many reasons ... My sweet hubby was born on October 31st. Plus, I love the opportunity to dress up. Tales of the supernatural spring up all over the TV, Internet and even Radio. Heck, you can even search for Halloween on Pandora, and you get wicked cool songs from The Rocky Horror Picture, The Nightmare Before Christmas and more! Paranormal authors LOVE this season for obvious reasons. As a freelance writer, I was also offered the opportunity to write about the latest in Halloween Hullabaloo for Lafayette's 008 Magazine. I also did one on Spooky Couples featuring my favorite: Buffy and Angel as well as Herman Munster and his Lily. Scroll down and click on their pages to check them out. Check out the magazine's website at www.008magazine.com for other cool information. Now, to HeartLa. Attached is a pic of the Rowdy G...