Hello, my fellow journeyers! Sorry it has been awhile. Life happens, right? So before I get to my latest adventure, I want to note that I pulled a muscle in my lower back. I thought I was on the mend, but the stairs at the plantation set me back. Please say a prayer, because I am now stuck on a heating pad ... grrr ... On to the ghost hunting ... I love The Myrtles ... from the beautiful grounds with colorful flowers and moss filled trees ... to the exquisite and cozy courtyard with wrought iron tables and chairs ... to the ghosts that traverse this southern Louisiana plantation. So naturally I jumped at a chance to stay the night in the famous haunted plantation! It was definitely a spooky adventure. I took a lot of day and night pictures. Check them out on my FaceBook page here: https://www.facebook.com/josephine.templeton/media_set?set=a.10212463269239451.1073741855.1313501851&type=3 A few are particularly interesting. This lady an...
Get your workout and reading material at one location tomorrow from 10 am to noon! Thank you, Kathy Denny, for hosting me! Y'all come check out her exercise studio (Curves) at 4710 O'Neal lane, Ste 107, Baton Rouge, La 70817 behind City Café and next door to party playtime. Her phone # is 225-751-1303. I will have copies of all my books with my pen ready to sign for y'all! Additionally, I am bringing a basket of goodies. To qualify to win, Curve members and new members can call to setup a coaching session between the 1st and 7th of April. See you there! Josephine
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